Garcinia  Garcinia 


  • Brand: Champ Fit
  • Product Code: Garcinia
  • Availability: In Stock
  • ₹1,225.00

  • Ex Tax: ₹1,225.00

Quick, loose that Weight!

  100% Vegetarian Product

Also known as Malabar Tamarind, this Tropical Fruit is a popular Weight Loss Supplement for both men and women alike. Your “Weight Loss Plans” can finally take shape!

  • ABCs OF WEIGHT LOSS: Garcinia Cambogia’s “Hydroxy Citric Acid” ingredient blocks a major Body Fat-producing Enzyme - ATP-citrate lyase!! It also increases the level of the Mood-boosting Chemical ‘Serotonin’ in the body, that in turn makes you feel less hungry! “Chromium” present in the Fruit suppresses Appetite and “Calcium” helps in bettering Absorption. This miracle extract is also “Potassium” rich – it facilitates Weight Loss, boosts Metabolism and develops Musculature.
  • MAXIMIZES EXERCISE ENDURANCE: The fruit is known to improve Physical Performance by stretching the amount of Time the Body needs to reach “Total Fatigue”.
  • YOUR HEART’s FRIEND: Garcinia Cambogia controls Body Cholesterol levels by lowering Triglycerides and LDL.
  • TUMMY FULL OF GOODNESS: This supplement improves Digestion, cures Gastric Problems and reduces Stomach Acidity too!
  • BRAIN FOOD. Garcinia Cambogia acts as a “Positive Stimulant” for the Brain and helps in reduction of Stress levels.
  • SAY YES TO HEALING: It is a powerful Anti-oxidant and has brilliant Anti-inflammatory and Anti-bacterial properties.
  • DECREASES INSULIN LEVELS – Diabetics rejoice! Garcinia Cambogia is one of the best Natural Diabetes Management option you can ever pop in as a pill!
  • 100% Vegan. 100% Organic.
  • Zero Chemicals. Zero Additives or Preservatives used.

Ingredients: Garcinia Cambogia (60 Capsules in a Bottle – 500 mg)

Storage Instructions: Store bottle in a Cool and Dry place.

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Tags: Diabetics Zone, Immunity Booster, keto, Weight Management, Wellness juice and Tea,